The duration | The optic disc excavation

The duration

How long a papilla excavation lasts also depends on the cause of the disease. For example, acute diseases must be treated as quickly as possible, after which the optic nerve papilla excavation also disappears quickly. However, in chronic conditions, an optic disc excavation can be present for several months or even years. Congenital optic disc excavations, if they have no disease value – i.e. are not associated with symptoms or visual impairment – can even remain in place for life without treatment.

The consequences of a papilla excavation

The consequences of optic disc excavation vary greatly depending on the underlying cause. While a congenital papilla excavation may have no consequences, it can also be caused by congenital glaucoma, which requires immediate surgical treatment and is usually accompanied by permanent vision problems. Similarly, glaucoma attacks can lead to permanent visual disturbances and restrictions of the visual field. Inflammatory diseases can also affect other structures of the eye, resulting in adhesions and visual disturbances in the affected eye.