The Healthy Refrigerator

The phenomenon should be familiar to everyone. There are the good resolutions for a healthy diet made, the inner pig dog overcome and the contents of the refrigerator still presents you with a new challenge every time you open it. One look in the fridge and the unnecessary sweet, calorie-rich traps come to light. To ensure that the program of sporting activity and healthy eating can be carried out undisturbed, potential disruptive factors should be avoided, especially at the beginning.

Sweets out, vitamins in!

The essential foundation for greater well-being and health is a varied, balanced diet that is as fresh as possible. Ideally, you should eat three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day. To avoid temptation in the first place, put your good intentions into practice first in your refrigerator and pantry.

Replace fast food and convenience foods, sweets and fatty foods with fresh fruits, vegetables and products that are low in calories, sugar and fat. This is the best way to prevent sudden temptations to snack or uncontrolled binge eating.

But be careful: although fruits and vegetables keep longer and better in the designated refrigerator compartment, they quickly lose their flavor and vitamins. Either store them in the cool dark pantry or eat them quickly.

The secret to conscious shopping

Choose foods in the supermarket consciously. After all, what is not in stock at home cannot be eaten. This is especially true for convenience foods, snacks and sweets. Make sure that products are as free as possible from flavorings, colorings and aromas or emulsifiers and thickeners.

Especially in summer, when barbecue season calls, it is tempting to try out the numerous exotic barbecue sauces. Without having to sacrifice taste, the popular side dish can also be created by yourself and without any hidden calorie and fat traps.

Low-fat cottage cheese with fresh herbs and garlic, the combination of honey, mustard, onions, corn and pickles or tomato-chili garlic, these sauces are quick and easy to prepare and taste delicious. Even the popular baguettes with garlic or herb butter are simply homemade healthier: use vegetable oil instead of butter.

What a healthy refrigerator better not include

  • Mayonnaise, tartar sauce and ketchup.
  • Salad dressings and ready-made sauces
  • Cream or creme fraiche
  • Chocolates, ice cream and sweets
  • Alcohol and soft drinks
  • Animal fats (butter, lard)
  • High-fat cheeses and sausages
  • Cream yogurt, puddings and desserts

The harmless contents of the healthy refrigerator.

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Juices (without added sugar)
  • Fresh lean fish and poultry
  • Tomato paste and mustard
  • Horseradish and gherkins
  • Natural yogurt, low-fat curd and cottage cheese
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Eggs

A simple, yet very helpful trick are magnets with short information, statements or photos attached directly to the refrigerator door. They remind you of the good healthy resolutions before and after each opening of the refrigerator.