PH value in urine

Definition – What is the normal pH value in urine?

The pH value in urine varies over a wide range between 4.8 and 7.6, meaning that urine can be chemically acidic, neutral or basic. Normally, the urine is slightly acidic and has a pH value of about 6.0. The pH value depends on diet, medication, lifestyle and influences such as stress or lack of sleep and diseases such as urinary tract infections or gout. A vegetarian diet increases the pH-value in the urine, whereas the pH-value is rather acidic when eating meat and fasting.

Does the pH value fluctuate during the course of the day?

The pH value in urine fluctuates during the course of the day. A normal course of the pH-value in the urine over the day can look like this: The morning urine is normally slightly acidic. After meals, a flood of bases occurs.

This means that the pH value in the urine should reach at least 6.8 about 1 to 2 hours after a meal. During the course of the day there is an “up and down” of the pH-value in the urine.

  • 6 o’clock: pH in urine 6.3
  • 10 o’clock: pH in urine 7.0
  • 1 pm: pH in urine 6.5
  • 4 p.m.: pH in urine 6.8
  • 19 o’clock: ph in urine 6,3
  • 10 p.m.: pH in urine 7.1

Is there an optimal pH value?

The pH-value in urine naturally fluctuates throughout the day and has a tolerance range between 4.8 and 7.6. The pH-value depends on the diet. The urine is normally slightly acidic and reaches a pH value of around 6.0 on average.

There is no optimal pH value as for example in blood. This is because the urine fluctuates during the day and is influenced by various factors. Too low (acidic) and high (basic) pH values that are not within the tolerance range should be observed. They can indicate illnesses or an unhealthy diet.