The route of infection | Laryngitis – How contagious is it?

The route of infection

The bacterial or viral pathogens of a contagious laryngitis are transmitted via tiny droplets. This transmission path is called droplet infection.The transmission occurs when speaking, sneezing, coughing or kissing. In addition, the bacteria and viruses are transmitted by shaking hands.

If the person then touches the mouth or face, infection can easily occur. The pathogens remain in the air or on objects. Consequently, the infection is not exclusively associated with direct or close contact.

A sneezer can fly over 12 m and thus ensure that the pathogen is inhaled elsewhere. In addition, the bacteria or viruses are spread further by touching objects. Door handles, any handles on cupboards and drawers, light switches, elevator buttons, stair railings, ATMs, cell phones, PC keyboards and children’s toys, for example, are often “intermediate stops” along the path of infection.

Length of incubation time

The incubation period of an acute laryngitis is usually relatively short. It usually lasts 1-4 days. The incubation period of a laryngitis varies depending on the pathogen.

During this period the affected person is still free of symptoms. Since the bacteria or viruses are already in the body, however, there is already a risk of infection. During this time the risk of infection is greatest.

The person who already carries the bacteria or viruses in his body does not yet know about it and behaves accordingly “carelessly”. It is the same with the people who are in contact with the affected person. Therefore, the risk of infection during the incubation period is quite high.

Protection against infection

The best way to protect yourself from contracting the pathogens of viral or bacterial laryngitis is to stay away from people. However, since this is not always possible or desired, regular, thorough hand washing with soap should be ensured. Whether disinfecting the hands is necessary in these cases is a controversial issue.

No cups, glasses or cutlery should be used that someone has already used. Also when touching other objects used by (many) people, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap afterwards. Furthermore, a strong body’s own defense system can protect against an infectious laryngitis.

The immune system can be strengthened by a balanced diet that contains many vitamins and minerals. In addition, a balance between activity and rest phases can help to build and maintain the body’s own defense system. Fresh air, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, beneficial activities and thoughts, as well as regular sauna sessions can also strengthen the immune system.