Exercises: against a hunchback | Posture improvement at the desk – exercises

Exercises: against a hunchback

Ski jumper Rotating seat on the office chair Standing upright Further exercises against a hunchback can be found in the articles:

  • Starting position: sitting on an office chair, the upper part of the body is tilted forward, the arms are stretched slightly backwards next to the body, the palms of the hands point forward
  • Execution: let your back become round, turn your arms in so that the backs of your hands are facing forward, relax in this position and stay there for a few seconds, then return to the stretched starting position and hold it for a few seconds, repeat both about 15 times
  • Execution: cross your right leg over your left leg, then reach with your right hand far back and either put your hand behind your back or grab the back of the chair, the left hand is on your right knee and can pull your body a little further into the rotation
  • Straighten your upper body and turn it to the right, carefully take your head into the rotation, look over your right shoulder, hold this position for about 30 seconds and then change sides
  • Execution: Standing, both hands are supported in the lower lumbar spine with the fingertips pointing towards the floor
  • Stretch out your chest and pull both shoulders down backwards, consciously breathe in and out into the chest, the head can be taken carefully into the back bend, hold this position for about30 seconds
  • Exercises against a hunchback
  • Bechterew’s disease
  • Scheuermann’s disease

Relaxation exercises

Stretching Shoulder/neck Tension-relaxation Stretching the sides of the body For more exercises please refer to the articles:

  • Execution: sit upright on an office chair, pull both shoulders away from the ears, then tilt the head to one side until you feel a feeling of stretching on the shoulder of the opposite side
  • Then slowly move your head downwards in a semicircle, with your chin towards the breastbone, hold the position for a few seconds in the places where you feel the stretch most intensely, repeat this on the other side
  • Execution: pull both shoulders up to the ears at the same time and hold this position for at least 15 seconds, then let the shoulders fall down again with the exhalation, repeat this 5-10 times
  • Execution: sitting on an office chair, the right hand lies on the right hip, the left arm is first stretched out upwards, the left side of the body becomes long
  • Then move your left arm over your head to the right so that the entire left side of your body is stretched, hold this position for about 30 seconds and then change sides.
  • Stretching exercises
  • Facial Training