Therapy | Bloated stomach


In any case, prolonged complaints associated with a bloated stomach should be clarified by a doctor. The doctor will then confirm the diagnosis and, by means of an adequate therapy, can detect complications such as bleeding or stomach ulcers at an early stage or even prevent their development. Depending on the cause of the underlying disease, an appropriate therapy is then initiated.

For the most common cause, bacterial gastritis, an acid production inhibitor in combination with two antibiotics is given over a period of 7 to 10 days. In this so-called eradication therapy, the aim is to completely stop the bacterial colonisation with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Recommended at this point are easily digestible, low-fat foods and little meat. In addition, smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided, as this stimulates acid production, which in turn irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach. An acid production inhibitor should possibly be taken for a longer period of time.

Bloated stomach with nausea

Accompanying nausea in the context of a bloated stomach often occurs in addition to the actual symptoms and is often a burden. This can be differently pronounced from person to person and also occur at different times. Due to the reduced protective mucus production and the increased acid production in the context of an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the stomach mucosa is strongly irritated and is unprotected against additional irritations caused by alcohol or smoking. The body then reacts with a feeling of nausea as a protective mechanism to prevent further, even more extensive damage.

Pain with a bloated stomach

Pain in the context of a bloated stomach often substantiates the suspicion of an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It affects the upper abdomen and can occur both on an empty stomach and after eating. The local inflammatory reaction is promoted by increased irritation of the mucous membrane due to the narrowing mucous layer and increased acid production.

As the prolonged intake of painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac can also be a cause of the inflammation of the gastric mucosa and thus of the bloated stomach, they should be avoided for treatment if possible. The doctor will then use painkillers that do not affect the protective mantle of the stomach. In the case of severe stabbing pain, a doctor should be consulted immediately to quickly counteract possible complications. These include stomach bleeding or a perforation of the stomach, which can quickly have serious consequences.


The duration of a bloated stomach or feeling of fullness varies depending on the cause. For one thing, the bloated feeling can persist for several hours after a very fatty meal, but should then subside again after a period of time away from the meal. If it is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, which causes the bloated stomach, this can also become noticeable over a longer period of weeks or even months without becoming acute.