Therapy of an infection with the Norovirus | Norovirus – How dangerous is it?

Therapy of an infection with the Norovirus

During the duration of the disease of one to two days, the affected persons should take it easy and avoid contact with other people. It is also important to drink as much as possible to prevent dehydration. If necessary, the salts that are important for the body can be added to the drink or a ready-made solution with all the vital salts can be bought at the pharmacy.

However, the correct preparation can easily be researched on the Internet. Since the Norovirus is excreted massively in the stool during this time, one should use one’s own toilet if possible for the duration of the illness and always directly remove remains of stool or vomit. Rubber gloves should be worn to keep your hands clean.

Regular hand washing and airing of the room prevent the risk of infection. It is urgently recommended to change clothes, bed linen, towels and all other hygienic articles through which the Norovirus could spread. Do not share the hygiene items such as brushes, toothbrushes, towels, etc.

in the family environment, but use them alone. When washing laundry it is absolutely necessary to use boil wash, because due to the extreme resistance Noroviruses can easily survive a normal 60!C wash. In order not to transmit noroviruses via contaminated food, cooking should be left to others during the infectious period.

If affected persons have regular contact with children, elderly people and people in nursing homes and hospitals, it is important to avoid these persons during the time of illness. Altogether it is important to sit out the illness, because causal medicines and treatment possibilities do not exist. Antibiotics are ineffective with viruses and medicines against the nausea and vomiting are so far only insufficiently investigated regarding their effectiveness.

There are homeopathic remedies that can be used as a supportive treatment for a norovirus infection. If the symptoms persist without change after three to four days, a doctor must be consulted. There are various globules that have a positive effect on the water balance in gastrointestinal diseases and are supposed to promote the regeneration of the intestinal flora.

Examples are the globules Borax, Camphora, Chelidonium and Colchicum. In addition, there are Schüssler salts, which are said to help with diarrhoea and vomiting. These include Schüssler Salt No.

8 Sodium Chloratum and Salt No. 10 Sodium Sulfuricum. There are some household remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems.

Fennel tea, chamomile tea or a combination of fennel, aniseed and caraway tea help against nausea. Tea provides fluid to the body and the ingredients calm the stomach. Ginger tea is also said to help combat nausea.

To do this, place a few slices of peeled ginger in a container, pour boiling water over them and let the liquid stand. Chicken broth is also a good way of returning water and salts to the body. For diarrhea, you can leave an apple in the air to brown and then eat it.

The active ingredient pectin contained in it swells in the intestine and absorbs liquid. Bananas also absorb water and help against diarrhoea. Furthermore one can dissolve a teaspoon of healing earth in 250 milliliters of water and drink it throughout the day.

This helps against diarrhoea and provides the body with fluid. A tip for a norovirus infection is lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid.

The citric acid is said to help slow down the viruses in the body, comparable to a disinfectant. It binds the highly infectious noroviruses and prevents them from multiplying. Lemon juice is harmless to the body and can be drunk diluted with water very well.

In the case of a norovirus infection, sick leave is often essential and cannot be prevented. In the case of diarrhoea illnesses, one may initially stay at home for up to 3 days without a sick note.However, it is important to inform the employer on the first day of illness that you will not appear. On the fourth day, a sick note must be submitted at the latest.

Under certain circumstances, the regulations regarding sick leave (certificate of incapacity to work) may be specified differently in the employment contract. If you have your family doctor write a sick note, the sick note usually lasts 7 to 10 days. The duration depends on the extent of the complaints. Sick leave usually lasts longer than the main complaints, since infected persons are still contagious when the symptoms have already subsided.