Therapy | Swollen oral mucosa


The treatment of mucosal swelling depends on the underlying cause. Stomatitis can be alleviated by various anti-inflammatory drugs and mouthwashes. Good oral hygiene and abstinence from alcohol and smoking are mandatory.

In the case of a drug-related cause, the doctor treating the patient must decide whether the medication is absolutely necessary. In some cases, another drug can be prescribed instead, which causes fewer side effects. In case of an allergy, quick action should be taken. There are various drops, which most people already know, which quickly reduce swelling. In emergencies, the emergency physician must administer stronger medication or perform a tracheotomy to secure the air supply.


Information on the duration of a swollen oral mucosa varies. Depending on the cause, the swelling may last long or less long. An inflammation of the oral mucosa should usually improve after about 10 days.

An allergic reaction often triggers the symptom within a few seconds. As a result, the problem can quickly improve or worsen. As soon as the allergen has been removed from the body, the swelling subsides.

In the future, this should be avoided so that the reaction does not occur again. With medication, the swelling may not occur at first and may sometimes start suddenly after months. It lasts as long as the medication is taken and usually does not stop until you stop taking it. If the symptoms persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.

Swollen oral mucosa with tongue involvement

Often a swelling in the area of the tongue is extremely painful because there is constant movement and the teeth are touched very often with the tongue. Talking and eating is a torture. The main reason is glossitis, an inflammation of the tongue.

It is caused by injuries, allergies, deficiency symptoms, systemic diseases or toxic influences such as burns. But even a small pimple can cause a swelling. Here you simply have to wait a few days until everything has healed again.