Allergy | Swollen oral mucosa


Various food allergies become noticeable in the oral cavity immediately after or even during food intake. Apart from typical symptoms such as skin rash, swelling of the tongue or lip may occur in some cases. This is called oral allergy syndrome.

Patients can usually name the allergen that causes the reaction and will avoid it in the future. However, if the swelling does occur and breathing becomes difficult, then action must be taken quickly. The same applies to an insect bite. Here too, swelling of the mouth and throat mucosa can occur. If an antiallergic is not sufficient, an ambulance should be called so that proper care can be given.


The diagnosis of mucosal swelling is usually made by the family doctor or the ear, nose and throat doctor. In rare cases the dentist is also consulted. In order to be able to make the correct diagnosis for this symptom, a detailed anamnesis is essential. The symptom is confirmed by a gaze diagnosis. Various laboratory tests are often helpful in determining the exact cause of the symptom A smear or blood test to determine the pathogen can be taken and then the right medication for treatment can be selected.

Associated symptoms

Swelling of the oral mucosa is accompanied by various other symptoms, depending on the cause. In the case of an inflammation, the affected area is usually reddened and bleeds under stress. Pain or burning, especially during food intake, is also frequently described.

Difficulty in brushing causes tooth and tongue plaque to multiply and cause unpleasant bad breath. Sometimes general symptoms such as fever or swollen lymph nodes also occur. Enlargement of the mucous membrane, especially when it affects the tongue, can cause a foreign body sensation that is accompanied by difficulty swallowing.Pain when swallowing can also occur. A change in the production of mucus in the oral cavity can also affect breathing in the event of swelling. Reduced air supply disturbs sleep quality due to frequent waking up at night.