Thermotherapy: Application, Procedures, Effects

What is thermotherapy?

Thermotherapy is a branch of physical therapy and therefore of physiotherapy. It encompasses all forms of physical treatment in which heat (heat therapy) or cold (cold therapy) is used specifically to alleviate physical and sometimes also psychological complaints.

Both heat and cold applications influence muscle tension and blood circulation and relieve pain. They are almost always prescribed as an adjunct to support the effect of other forms of physiotherapy such as massages and physiotherapy.

Thermotherapy with heat: heat therapy

Heat dilates the blood vessels so that the blood can flow through them more easily – blood circulation is promoted, metabolic waste products are removed more quickly and messenger substances from the immune system are circulated more effectively. Pain can also decrease as the nerve tracts are relieved. In addition, heat relaxes the muscles, makes the connective tissue more flexible and increases the fluidity (viscosity) of the synovial fluid.

When is heat therapy used?

Areas of application for heat therapy are

  • general muscle tension
  • Incomplete paralysis with spasmodically increased muscle tension (spastic paresis), for example as a result of a stroke
  • wear-related (degenerative) diseases such as arthrosis, slipped discs, spinal canal stenosis
  • Functional organ complaints such as abdominal pain with irritable bowel syndrome

For some conditions, heat therapy is only advisable in certain situations:

For example, in the case of a slipped disc, heat can relax or relax the surrounding muscles and thus dampen the pain a little (e.g. hot water bottle, heat plaster, sauna session, infrared radiation). In contrast, most patients find cold applications (e.g. cold compresses) more pleasant for nerve irritation caused by the prolapse.

Treatment with heat for gout can be beneficial if a joint is not acutely inflamed and swollen. In this acute stage, cold applications are more useful – they counteract inflammatory processes and swelling. The same applies to the application of heat for osteoarthritis: cold for acutely inflamed joints, otherwise heat.

How is heat therapy used?

Heat therapy uses various “media” to apply the heat stimuli. Examples:

  • Infrared: The infrared light generates heat on the part of the body being treated.
  • Ultrasound: The sound waves trigger vibration and heat effects in the treated area of the body. This promotes blood circulation, stimulates the metabolism and also warms deeper layers of tissue.
  • Hot air: Treatment with hot air relaxes the muscles and relieves pain.

Heat treatment as a home remedy

Various heat treatments can be used as home remedies. The best known is probably the hot water bottle: the dry heat can provide relief for a wide range of ailments – from cold feet to stomach pains and tense muscles.

You can also use a cherry stone or spelt cushion in the same way as a hot water bottle. Heat it in the microwave or oven beforehand (follow the manufacturer’s instructions!). You can find out more about the effect and use of such fabric bags filled with various “grains” in the article Grain pillows.

A warm onion poultice can help with earache: Wrap a finely chopped kitchen onion in a thin cloth, warm it, place it on the aching ear and secure it with a headband or cap. You can find more detailed information on how to make and use this tried-and-tested household remedy in the article Onion poultice.

A warm compress can also be good for other parts of the body. A hot chest compress or wrap is recommended for persistent, spasmodic coughs. However, you should be free of fever for this. You can read more about the application and important warnings in the article Chest compresses.

A slightly warmed curd compress or wrap on the chest can also help with a cough. You can find out how to make them and apply them correctly in the article Curd compresses (curd compresses).

The treatment of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia can also be supported with a mustard flour compress. The skin-irritating essential oil of mustard has a strong circulation-promoting effect. You can find out more about the effect, preparation and application of a mustard compress in the article Mustard.

Warmth or hot water and baths fall under the heading of hydrotherapy. You can read more about this here.

Home remedies have their limits. If your symptoms persist over a longer period of time, do not improve or even get worse, you should always consult a doctor.

When is heat therapy not suitable?

Sometimes the application of heat is not advisable or should first be discussed with a doctor. This applies in the following cases, for example:

  • Acute inflammation such as flu-like infections or acute joint inflammation
  • (high) fever
  • Open skin injuries or skin irritations in the body area to be treated
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
  • Cancer (especially at an advanced stage)
  • Tendency to bleed
  • Circulatory disorders such as smoker’s leg, thrombosis, varicose veins
  • Sensitivity disorders (reduced perception of sensitive stimuli such as heat and cold)
  • Known hypersensitivity to heat
  • advanced age

The doctor can tell you whether heat therapy is helpful in your case and for your symptoms, and if so, in what form. For example, he or she may allow you to apply light heat (e.g. grain pillows) and only advise against intense heat (e.g. hot and humid compresses).

For further warnings on special heat applications such as onion pouches, potato or chest compresses, please refer to the relevant articles.

Thermotherapy with cold: cold therapy

Cold constricts the blood vessels, reduces blood circulation and slows down metabolic processes. This can counteract swelling. In addition, cold causes increased muscle tension when applied for a short period of time, but relaxes the muscles if the stimulus is prolonged. The fact that cold temporarily blocks nerves and pain receptors has a pain-relieving effect. Cold treatment can also be used to combat inflammation.

You can read more about the effects and use of cold therapy and cold applications as a home remedy in the article Cryotherapy.