These home remedies can help | Water in your hands

These home remedies can help

Water retention in the hands is also called edema. This leads to an accumulation of fluid in the hands and fingers. In most cases, a localised discharge disorder is the cause of the disease, so that the symptoms occur only on one side.

A good strategy against the development of edema is exercise. This activates not only the lymph vessels but also the muscles, which additionally push the fluid back towards the heart. A massage can also reduce the water in the hands.

Massage should be done from the fingertips to the hand and from there to the forearm so that the water is pressed back. In addition, compression gloves can help against water retention. Granny’s home remedy against water retention consists of a warm bath with Epsom salts.

In addition, magnesium and Vitarmin B6 can be taken against the edema. Often an excess of substances that draw water into the tissue is also the cause of water retention or it contributes to the intensification of these edemas in the hands. Therefore, drinking a lot can also work against the water in the hands.

Nettle and peppermint tea have a particularly good effect. The general drinking amount should be about two to three liters of unsweetened liquid (tea, water).