To avoid a flu (influenza) you can follow several simple tips. On the one hand, you should strengthen your immune system through a balanced lifestyle. This means going out into the fresh air regularly, doing sports and eating a healthy diet, especially with fruit and vegetables as vitamin C can be very important in preventing influenza.
Another tip to prevent influenza is a regular visit to the sauna, where the body really starts to sweat and then cools down again in cold water. This temperature change, which can also be achieved by hot/cold showering, strengthens the immune system. Another tip to prevent the flu is not to stay in rooms that are too stuffy and heated with heated air.
In addition, crowds of people with too close contact (for example in the streetcar where everyone is holding on to a pole) should be avoided. Those who are particularly sensitive should consider reducing hand shaking to a minimum during the winter months. Increased hand hygiene and the increased drinking of hot ginger tea are other good tips to avoid influenza in winter.
Homeopathy/Schüssler salts
A flu (influenza) is annoying and occurs again and again, especially in the winter months. There are several ways to prevent influenza naturally without a vaccination. With the Schüssler salts, the no.
3, Ferrum phosphoricum in the potency D 12, is particularly helpful. In this salt there is iron phosphate, which weakens the viruses. The fever can still break out easily, but this can also be helpful to kill the viruses.
The number 3 of the Schüssler salts helps to prevent the flu. If the flu has already broken out, the administration of the number 4, potassium chloratum in the potency D 6 can help. In homeopathy, too, there are some remedies that can be used to prevent the flu, although in most cases the medication is only taken when the flu has really broken out in order to avoid unnecessary and permanent stress on the body.
At the first signs, such as a feeling of weakness or a scratching in the throat, you can take Nux vomica D30- 1x daily in the morning to avoid a possible imminent flu infection. If the patient rather complains of sore throat, Apis D30- 1x daily can be taken. However, Aconitum D12 is usually recommended at the first signs of flu. Here it is important to know that Aconitum is a pure homeopathic remedy for the prevention of flu and should not be used with an already existing infection.