Cessation of cortisone – What must be observed and what are the consequences? | Cortisone

Cessation of cortisone – What must be observed and what are the consequences? Cessation of cortisone becomes a problem primarily when it is taken over a long period of time and in high doses, as well as systemically. Systemic means that the application takes place in such a way that it affects the whole body. … Cessation of cortisone – What must be observed and what are the consequences? | Cortisone


Synonyms cortisone, glucocorticoids, cortisone therapy, side effects of cortisone What is a hormone? Cortisone (cortisone) is a hormone. Hormones are endogenous substances that are produced at various specific sites in the body. They are transported through the bloodstream to their respective destinations. There they trigger certain reactions through their presence or absence. This is why … Cortisone

Cortisone as a drug | Cortisone

Cortisone as a drug Due to their effect on the immune system and on inflammatory reactions, glucocorticoids are very effective drugs for a variety of diseases associated with inflammation, pain or overreactivity of the immune system. When administered externally to the body as a drug, glucocorticoids enhance the effect of the body’s own cortisone. The … Cortisone as a drug | Cortisone

Types of application | Cortisone

Types of application The application can be done internally and externally as Cortisone ointment is used for numerous skin diseases. However, the cream colloquially called cortisone ointment is usually an ointment which does not contain cortisone but other active substances from the group of corticosteroids. An example of such an active substance is mometasone. Ointments … Types of application | Cortisone

Vascularization of the kidney

General information The kidneys are used to excrete fluids and detoxify the body. The adrenal glands are an important hormone producing (endocrine) organ in the body. Arterial supply The right or left kidney is supplied by the right or left renal artery (Arteria renalis dextra/sinistra). Venous drainage is provided by the right and left renal … Vascularization of the kidney


Synonyms in a broader sense Adrenal gland tumor Definition A pheochromocytoma is a tumor that produces hormones (usually adrenaline and noradrenaline). In 85% of cases the tumor is located in the adrenal gland. In most cases (85%) the tumor is benign, 15% are malignant. Normally (in 90%) the pheochromocytoma is unilateral, but 10% are bilateral. … Pheochromocytoma

Therapy | Pheochromocytoma

Therapy As is often the case, there are two different therapeutic methods that can be used. The decision which one is more suitable must be made individually. In general, depending on the extent of the tumor and the disease, conservative treatment is attempted. However, the size of the tumor and its ingrowth into the surrounding … Therapy | Pheochromocytoma

Are you stressed out? – These are the signs

Introduction Basically, stress is characterized by increased physical activation. After a few days, stress-related changes in the organism occur. This manifests itself in an increased growth of the adrenal cortex and a reduced immune defense. Thus, if the body is not given the all-clear by changing or leaving the “stressful” situation, the stress hormones are … Are you stressed out? – These are the signs