I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms The Addison crisis is characterised by a variety of symptoms. These include, among others: There is also a frequent drop in blood pressure, which can lead to a state of shock. Hypoglycaemia and dehydration (too little water in the body) can also occur during an Addison … I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis

The Addison crisis

Introduction The Addison crisis is a dreaded complication of adrenal cortex insufficiency. In general, it is a rare but acute disease characterized by a severe lack of cortisol. The Addison’s crisis, or severe cortisol deficiency, is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Causes The cause of the Addison crisis is the deficiency of … The Addison crisis


Androgenisation (masculinisation, virilisation), means a hormonal change in the woman through male sex hormones. These are testosterone and androstendione. These hormones lead to various physical changes as well as to changes in behaviour. Cause of androgenisation Androgenisation results from an increased supply of androgens. These are the male hormones testosterone and androstendione. In men these … Androgenization

Von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

Definition Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes tumor-like but benign vascular malformations in the central nervous system. The retina of the eye and the cerebellum are most commonly affected. Therefore, the disease is also called retinocerebellar angiomatosis. The disease is named after its first descriptors; the German ophthalmologist Eugen von Hippel … Von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

Therapy of the Von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome | Von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

Therapy of the Von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome The cause of Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is a mutation on chromosome three. A causal therapy is currently not possible. Therefore, only the option of symptomatic therapy remains. Here, the size and localization of the vascular malformation are decisive. Small tumors in the area of the retina are treated by laser. … Therapy of the Von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome | Von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

Y symbol | TNM System

Y symbol If a tumor is particularly large, in some cases it is treated chemotherapeutically or irradiated before surgery. This is intended to reduce the size and spread of the tumor and make the operation easier or even possible in the first place. In order to differentiate between the spread of the tumor before treatment … Y symbol | TNM System

TNM System

Synonyms TMN Classification Introduction The TNM system, also called TNM Classifications of malignant tumours, is used to classify malignant tumours. (cancer diseases). With the help of this classification, the various types of cancer can be uniformly classified worldwide according to their severity and assigned to corresponding treatment guidelines. History The TNM system was developed between … TNM System

M=metastases | TNM System

M=metastases This refers to the presence of tumor cells that have been carried by blood to other organs, where they have formed further tumors. No distinction is made here as to how many metastases are present or in which organ they are located. In order to list the exact location of the organ, various abbreviations … M=metastases | TNM System


Definition Vigantoletten® is a vitamin preparation in tablet form that contains vitamin D3 (synonym Cholecalciferol). It is used in case of a deficiency or to prevent a lack of vitamin D3 and a resulting disturbance in calcium metabolism. In general, Vigantoletten® are used for all types of vitamin D3 deficiency as long as there is … Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies Vigantoletten® can also be given to babies. Here too, this must be discussed in advance with the responsible pediatrician. Vigantoletten® promote bone formation in babies and toddlers by encouraging mineralization, i.e. the incorporation of minerals such as calcium. Since vitamin D plays a decisive role in the calcium balance, taking it can … Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®