Mutism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mutism is a speech disorder that mostly has no physical causes, such as defects in hearing or problems with the vocal cords. This speech disorder is therefore something completely different from that seen in deaf-mutes. The cause is a mental disorder or damage to the brain. Mutism is divided into (s)elective mutism, total mutism and … Mutism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Locked-in Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Being a prisoner of one’s own body – a terrible idea that becomes oppressive truth in locked-in syndrome (in German: Gefangensein-Syndrom or Eingeschlossensein-Syndrom). The best-known, media-present example today is probably Stephen Hawking. What is locked-in syndrome? Locked-in syndrome is a complete paralysis of the four limbs and the body, as well as the speech apparatus, … Locked-in Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment