
Products Lactobacilli are commercially available in the form of capsules, powders, liquids, vaginal tablets and creams, among others. They are pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, medical devices and cosmetics. Foods such as yogurts and other dairy products also contain lactobacilli. Structure and properties Lactobacilli are Gram-positive, usually rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, and facultatively anaerobic bacteria that belong to the … Lactobacilli

Eyelid Rim Inflammation (Blepharitis)

Symptoms Blepharitis is an inflammatory condition of the eyelid margins. It is often chronic, recurrent, and bilateral. Possible symptoms include: Swollen, inflamed, red, crusted, dry, sticky, peeling eyelids. Loss and growth disorders of eyelashes Burning, foreign body sensation Irritation, frequent blinking Itching Eye tears Dry eyes Sensitivity to light Visual disturbances Red eyes, conjunctivitis, corneal … Eyelid Rim Inflammation (Blepharitis)