
Definition Levocabastine is a drug from the group of so-called antihistamines. They are mainly used in the treatment of seasonal, allergic complaints such as hay fever. Preparations containing levocabastine are available as eye drops or nasal sprays, but only rarely as tablets. They are only available in pharmacies but without a prescription. Effect Histamine is … Levocabastine

Dosage forms | Levocabastine

Dosage forms Levocabastine is successfully used especially for seasonal allergic conjunctival irritation. The drug is an antihistamine that neutralizes and inhibits the histamine released by the body during an allergic reaction. Eye drops act locally and relatively quickly. Irritated conjunctiva, which can often burn and redden due to the histamine released, are quickly healed by … Dosage forms | Levocabastine

Dosage of Levocabastine | Levocabastine

Dosage of Levocabastine As eye drops, levocabastine should be administered twice daily, one drop in each eye. For nasal spray, 2 strokes should be taken twice a day if allergic symptoms occur. As a preventive measure, antihistamine preparations should rather not be taken. Cortisone as an alternative If levocabastine does not have sufficient effect, consideration … Dosage of Levocabastine | Levocabastine