Biopsy of the cervix

Introduction A biopsy describes a tissue removal from an organ to examine the cells. It is carried out if one suspects that the cells are degenerate or if a special disease is present. If a gynaecologist has noticed suspicious changes in previous examinations, he or she will order a biopsy of the cervix for clarification. … Biopsy of the cervix

The costs | Biopsy of the cervix

The costs The cost of the examination may vary. They depend on the form of the examination – i.e. whether it is performed under general or local anaesthesia. However, since there is a medical indication, the costs are covered by the health insurance company. What are the alternatives? There is no real alternative to a … The costs | Biopsy of the cervix

Allergies: Alternative Diagnosis and Therapy

Specialist treatment of allergies and allergic asthma has made great progress in recent decades. A large number of scientific studies have clearly demonstrated the good effects of various drugs. Specific immunotherapy (allergy vaccination) has also proved its worth for many years. However, not all allergy sufferers trust conventional medicine. Many resort to alternative cures or … Allergies: Alternative Diagnosis and Therapy

Bepanthen® eye drops

Introduction Bepanthen® is a product line of Bayer®, which already since 1950 contains various products in the field of wound healing and wound care. The Bepanthen® products are not subject to prescription and are very popular with many customers as they are generally considered to be very well tolerated. A frequently purchased and popular product … Bepanthen® eye drops

Application for conjunctivitis | Bepanthen® eye drops

Application for conjunctivitis Bepanthen® eye drops are very well suited for the treatment of a so-called keratoconjunctivitis sicca (conjunctivitis). This type of conjunctivitis is not infectious but can be caused by various causes that disturb the tear film. The consequences are dry eyes and irritation of the conjunctiva. Redness, a burning or foreign body sensation, … Application for conjunctivitis | Bepanthen® eye drops

Contraindications | Bepanthen® eye drops

Contraindications When using Bepanthen® eye drops, there are few contraindications that must be considered. An important contraindication is known allergies or hypersensitivity to one or more of the ingredients contained. Furthermore Bepanthen® eye drops should not be used if the containers are damaged. Single-dose containers are also intended for single use only, as no preservatives … Contraindications | Bepanthen® eye drops


Definition – Use of incense in medicine Incense is known to many people especially as a flammable resin. Although this resin cannot be used for medical purposes, the extract of frankincense is used in medicine: the anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense are usually the main focus. Incense was also used for disinfection in the Middle Ages. … Incense

Side effect | Incense

Side effect In the case of preparations containing moderate concentrations of herbal incense extracts, the expected side effects are very low or their occurrence very unlikely. In rare cases, allergic reactions to incense may occur. These can occur in different ways depending on the use of the incense preparation: when used externally, they usually manifest … Side effect | Incense

Alternatives to incense | Incense

Alternatives to incense Instead of incense, other household remedies or herbal preparations can also be used. In order to treat inflammatory autoimmune skin diseases, ointments with urea or evening primrose oil can be used. Essential oils, which have a cooling and thus anti-itching effect, can also help: These include camphor and menthol. In order to … Alternatives to incense | Incense