Vibratory ridge

Temporomandibular joint, upper jaw, dentures, prosthesis, implantThe ballast ridge is a flap of mucous membrane on the jaw ridge that is present in the edentulous upper jaw. It occurs most frequently in the upper jaw. It is mainly caused by badly fitting dentures, but can also be the result of the removal of already loosened … Vibratory ridge

Alveolitis sicca

Introduction Alveolitis sicca or dry alveolus is a post-operative complication following tooth removal. In English it is called dry socket. It often occurs in the posterior region Anatomical background Each tooth is attached to the bone in an alveolus, a tooth socket of the jaw process, with fibers. After extraction, i.e. the removal of the … Alveolitis sicca

Tooth extraction

Definition Tooth extraction is the non-surgical removal of a tooth from the oral cavity, which means that the dentist does not have to make an incision in the mucous membrane with a scalpel. Colloquially, the whole thing is also called tooth extraction. Causes – An overview Tooth extractions are the last resort when everything else … Tooth extraction