Ammonium Chloride

Products In many countries, human medicines with ammonium chloride as the active ingredient are no longer on the market. The salt is an ingredient in Mixtura solvens (Dissolving Mixture PH) and licorice. It used to be included in Bisolvon Linctus syrup along with bromhexine. In some countries, expectorants are available. Structure and properties Ammonium chloride … Ammonium Chloride

Dissolving Mixture

Products Solubilizing Mixture is not commercially available as a finished drug product and must be freshly prepared at a pharmacy or drugstore if needed. Structure and properties The mixture is a clear, dark brown liquid with a faint odor of alcoholic liquorice extract. Production Ammonium chloride 2.5 g Adjusted ethanolic licorice root fluid extract. 7.5 … Dissolving Mixture


Products Ammonia solutions are available from specialty stores (e.g., pharmacies, drugstores, hardware stores) in various concentrations. They are also known as sal ammonia or sal ammonia spirit. Structure and properties Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless gas with a typical pungent and unpleasant odor, which is formed from nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2) can be obtained. … Ammonia


Products Numerous active ingredients and pharmaceutical excipients are present in drugs as salts. They are also present in dietary supplements, in foods, medical devices and cosmetics. Various salts are available as open goods in pharmacies and drugstores. Structure Salts consist of positively and negatively charged atoms or compounds, that is, cations and anions. Together they … Salts


Products Expectorants are commercially available in the form of cough syrups, drops, tablets, powders, granules, pastilles, and lozenges, among others. Structure and properties Natural (herbal), semisynthetic, and synthetic agents are used. Effects Expectorants liquefy and loosen tough mucus in the respiratory tract and promote expectoration. Mucolytic: liquefy bronchial mucus. Secretolytic: promotes production of a thin … Expectorant

Sweet Wood

Products Licorice is available as cut open or in the form of licorice stems in pharmacies and drugstores. Licorice extract is found in bronchial pastilles, in teas, and various cough medicines, among other products. The extract is also a component of licorice and corresponding confectionery. Stem plant Stem plants include various -species of the legume … Sweet Wood