Dysbiosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Billions of microorganisms settle on the skin, mucous membranes, small intestine and large intestine. This symbiosis supports metabolism and ensures an intact immune system. The beneficial microorganisms train the B lymphocytes and ensure a balance in the intestine. If this symbiosis is disturbed, dysbiosis can develop. What is dysbiosis? If the quantitative ratio within the … Dysbiosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Synonyms amoibos (gr. changing), changelings Definition The term “amoebae” refers to animal unicellular organisms (so-called protozoa) that do not have a solid body shape. Amoebae can constantly change their body structure through the formation of pseudopodia and move in this way. Introduction As unicellular organisms belonging to the group of protozoa, amoebae are counted among … Amoebas

Symptoms of amoeba carriers | Amoebas

Symptoms of amoeba carriers Depending on the type of amoebic dysentery, the affected individuals may experience more or less severe symptoms. While amoeba carriers with a pure intestinal lumen infection in most cases do not develop any symptoms, other patients typically suffer from severe, watery diarrhoea. The symptomless intestinal lumen variant occurs in about 80 … Symptoms of amoeba carriers | Amoebas

Diagnosis | Amoebas

Diagnosis The method of choice in the diagnosis of amoebic dysentery is stool examination. This must be carried out at least three times, on three consecutive days, to ensure proper detection of amoebae. Both amoeba cysts and trophozoites can be detected in the stool with the aid of a microscope. With this examination method, however, … Diagnosis | Amoebas

Therapy for intestinal infestation with parasites | Parasites in the intestine

Therapy for intestinal infestation with parasites For the treatment of parasites in the intestines, drugs, natural remedies or, in rare cases, surgery can be used. If an infestation of intestinal parasites is suspected, a doctor should be consulted, as he or she can determine the type of parasites and thus initiate the best therapy. Medication … Therapy for intestinal infestation with parasites | Parasites in the intestine

Which doctor will treat this? | Parasites in the intestine

Which doctor will treat this? A parasite infection should always be treated by a doctor. If you suspect a parasite infection, you can first consult your family doctor. After his examination he will decide whether it is really a parasite infection or a harmless gastrointestinal infection that he can treat himself. If there is an … Which doctor will treat this? | Parasites in the intestine

Associated symptoms | Parasites in the intestine

Associated symptoms The accompanying symptoms of an infection with intestinal parasites depend on the type of parasites. Most intestinal parasites share problems that affect the digestive tract. This can lead to stomach cramps with nausea and vomiting. In addition, intestinal parasite infections in some patients are conspicuous by an unclear weight loss. This is due … Associated symptoms | Parasites in the intestine