Analthrombosis bleeds

An analthrombosis is a dark red knot in the anal canal or anus. This swelling is caused by a blood clot from the venous circulation system. It usually causes very severe pain, which is very restrictive and stressful for those affected. Since the analthrombosis is a blood-filled lump under strong tension, the mucous membrane may … Analthrombosis bleeds

Analthrombosis bleeds after bowel movement | Analthrombosis bleeds

Analthrombosis bleeds after bowel movement The fact that an analthrombosis bleeds usually only occurs in lesions that have existed for a long time. In principle, bleeding can occur as a result of friction or increased irritation, including during bowel movements. However, bleeding after defecation is not typical; bleeding after defecation is much more common in … Analthrombosis bleeds after bowel movement | Analthrombosis bleeds