Exhaustion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Not an uncommon example: a successful, confident manager collapses under the weight of unattainable career goals. Exhaustion is attested as the cause. This condition, or better grievance, referred to as exhaustion increasingly affects many people in their professional and private lives. Causes, diagnostic options and the opportunities for treatment and prevention should therefore be known … Exhaustion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Enoxacin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Enoxacin is a medical agent that is widely used as a synthetic antibiotic. It is used in medications to treat infections caused by enoxacin-susceptible bacteria. These include acute and moderate urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, and skin and respiratory tract infections. What is enoxacin? Enoxacin is a synthetically produced antibiotic. Due to its chemical or pharmacological … Enoxacin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Senility: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Under the term senility, the medical profession refers to an age-related exhaustion. In the vernacular, people like to use the word frailty. The fact is: old age infirmity is not a disease, but a, in old age occurring, state of appearance of the person. What is senility? Under the term old age weakness, the medical … Senility: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Altretamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Altretamine is a drug from the group of cytostatic drugs. It is used for the chemotherapeutic treatment of ovarian cancer. The drug is taken as a tablet in two- to three-week cycles. It often causes side effects such as nausea and vomiting. What is altretamine? Altretamine is a drug in a group called cytostatics. It … Altretamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Bone Marrow Aspiration: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Bone marrow aspiration is performed to obtain biopsy marrow to diagnose hematologic diseases such as leukemia, malignant lymphoma, or plamacytoma. Before transfusion of blood products (bone marrow donation), the donor’s bone marrow is tested for compatibility. What is bone marrow aspiration? A bone marrow aspiration is performed to obtain biopsy marrow to diagnose hematologic diseases … Bone Marrow Aspiration: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Metastases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Metastases are basically always a so-called daughter tumor of a tumor or tumor-like tissue. This daughter tumor is usually always located outside the already or originally affected part of the body of the affected person. What are metastases? Metastases are formed only by the malignant tumors. In the process of forming metastases, cell division of … Metastases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment