Newborn acne

Definition Newborn acne – also known as acne neonatorum, acne infantilis or baby acne – is a special form of acne that occurs predominantly in newborns in the first weeks of life (often around the 3rd week of life), but can sometimes also begin in the womb, so that the affected children are already born … Newborn acne

Symptoms | Newborn acne

Symptoms Newborn acne often occurs on the head, but under certain circumstances it can also affect the whole body. The most common location of neonatal acne is the head area, with the cheeks usually being most severely affected. However, small pimples and pustules can also be seen on the forehead and chin.The reason for this … Symptoms | Newborn acne

What is the connection with neurodermatitis? | Newborn acne

What is the connection with neurodermatitis? In some cases it is difficult to distinguish neonatal acne from neurodermatitis – dermatitis atopica. A direct connection between the two skin diseases could not be found so far. However, it is noticeable that if a child has sensitive skin at such an early age, other skin diseases are … What is the connection with neurodermatitis? | Newborn acne

Salpingitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Salpingitis is the term used to describe inflammation of the female fallopian tubes. It is mostly caused by bacterial infections. What is salpingitis? Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes (uterine tuba). It can occur in only one fallopian tube or in both fallopian tubes. Bilateral inflammation is more common. In many cases, salpingitis … Salpingitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Finger Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

The term finger pain is the collective term for all pain in the fingers, or finger joints, which can have very different causes. In addition to temporary painful injuries that heal again, the focus is primarily on degenerative changes of the joints and inflammatory processes. A wide range of conservative and alternative treatment options is … Finger Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Flavonoids: Effect, Uses & Risks

Flavonoids belong to the group of secondary plant compounds. These are certain chemical compounds that plants do not produce either by means of their plant metabolism or by energy metabolism. Chemically, they are members of the polyphenols. The flavonoids are also attributed certain modes of action due to their content, which can positively serve health. … Flavonoids: Effect, Uses & Risks

Runners Knee (Iliotibial Band Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Runner’s knee is also known as tractus iliotibialis rubbing syndrome, tract syndrome or iliotibial band syndrome and by the abbreviation ITBS. Runner’s knee is a painful condition on the outside of the knee that can occur in athletes and non-athletes. What is runner’s knee? Runner’s knee is caused by improper stress on the knees during … Runners Knee (Iliotibial Band Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Iritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Iritis is the name given to inflammation of the iris. In this case, the affected person suffers from eye pain and vision problems. What is iritis? By iritis, medical professionals mean an inflammation of the iris. Iritis is a form of uveitis (inflammation of the vascular membrane) in which there is inflammation of the middle … Iritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment