Immunogenetics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Immunogenetics deals with the genetic basis of the immune response. Within its scope, diseases are studied that both affect the immune system and are genetically predisposed. Genetic analyses form the basis of immunogenetic studies. What is immunogenetics? Immunogenetics is a subdiscipline of genetics. It is derived from the merging of the medical fields of genetics … Immunogenetics: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Products Vaccines are mainly sold as injectables. Some are also taken perorally as oral vaccines, for example, in the form of capsules (typhoid vaccine) or as a suspension for oral administration (rotavirus). Monopreparations and combination preparations are commercially available. Vaccines, with few exceptions, are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 … Vaccines

This sport strengthens your immune system | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

This sport strengthens your immune system Sports, especially endurance sports such as swimming, jogging or cycling, have been proven to strengthen the immune system. How exactly sport does this is not entirely clear. One explanation is that the lymphatic fluid is better transported by muscle movements. In addition to dietary fats, the lymphatic fluid transports … This sport strengthens your immune system | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

Vaccinations | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

Vaccinations A vaccination strengthens the immune system in much the same way as an exercise for an emergency: components of pathogens or attenuated pathogens are injected into the body, usually by means of an injection into the muscle, which then elicits an appropriate immune response. This immune response is significantly weaker than in an actual … Vaccinations | Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?

Phospholipids: Function & Diseases

Phospholipids are instrumental in building cell membranes. They represent complex lipids that contain a phosphoric ester linkage. They are also amphiphilic because they have a hydrophilic and a lipophilic domain. What are phospholipids? Phospholipids are glycerol or sphingosine esters, each containing two fatty acid molecules and a phosphoric acid residue, which in turn may be … Phospholipids: Function & Diseases

Coombs Test: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The Coombs test detects antibodies against red blood cells in a patient’s serum and is used in a standardized manner, for example, as part of maternity screening and blood grouping. The test procedure works with rabbit serum and exists in a direct and an indirect form, which are used for different questions. What is the … Coombs Test: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Antigens: Structure, Function & Diseases

Antigens stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. Antigens are usually specific proteins on the surface of bacteria or viruses. In autoimmune diseases, the recognition of antigens is impaired and the body’s own tissues are fought as foreign antigens. What are antigens? Antigens are the substances to which the lymphocytes of the immune system form … Antigens: Structure, Function & Diseases


Products Biosimilars are copycat preparations of biotechnology-derived drugs (biologics) that have strong similarities to the originator drugs but that are not exactly the same. The similarity relates to biological activity, structure, function, purity and safety, among other things. Biosimilars differ from generics of small molecule drugs in important ways. Biosimilars are usually marketed as injection … Biosimilars

Blood Cells: Function & Diseases

Platelets, erythrocytes, and leukocytes together make up the blood cells. They perform functions in blood clotting, oxygen transport, and immunological processes. In diseases such as leukemia, white blood cells change into tumor cells and spread throughout the body. What are blood cells? Blood cells or hemocytes are all cells found in the blood of a … Blood Cells: Function & Diseases