Tuberous Sclerosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tuberous sclerosis is a hereditary disease associated with various malformations of the brain and skin changes. The condition is also known as Bourneville-Pringle syndrome after its discoverers. What is tuberous sclerosis? Tuberous sclerosis is called tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) in English. The disease belongs to the group of phakomatoses. Phakomatoses are diseases characterized by malformations … Tuberous Sclerosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Benzodiazepine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Benzodiazepines are special chemical compounds (compounds of a benzene ring with a diazepine ring) that exert psychotropic effects in the body. They are used in medicine as antianxiety (anxiolytic), central-muscle-relaxant, sedative, and sleep-inducing (hypnotic) drugs. The anticonvulsant (anticonvulsant) effects of some benzodiazepines also explain their use as antiepileptic drugs. What are benzodiazepines? All benzodiazepines are … Benzodiazepine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Mania: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mania is an affective disorder with a mood far beyond normal, usually euphoric. While a depressed person tends to be introverted and withdrawn, a manic patient is characterized by strong inner restlessness, sometimes persistent irritability, and loss of inhibitions. What is mania? The ancient Greek word mania means rage, madness, or frenzy. From this, the … Mania: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Childhood epilepsy

Introduction The basic definition of epilepsy in children is no different from that of adults. The disease of epilepsy describes a functional disorder of the brain in which groups of nerve cells synchronise for a short time and discharge very quickly, which then leads to an epileptic seizure. The exact type of epileptic seizure depends … Childhood epilepsy

The diagnosis | Childhood epilepsy

The diagnosis In most cases, epilepsy is diagnosed after an event has occurred, in the sense of an epileptic seizure. The beginning of every epilepsy diagnosis is always a detailed medical history and a precise description of the seizures by the parents or other observers. In addition, the presence of a family history of epileptic … The diagnosis | Childhood epilepsy

Valproic acid

What is valproic acid? Valproic acid, and its derivative valproate, are drugs used to treat epilepsy. The anti-epileptic drug is used in various forms of epilepsy. Valproic acid can also be used to treat childhood forms of epilepsy, such as absences. Valproic acid is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorders to prevent manic … Valproic acid

The active ingredient | Valproic acid

The active ingredient Valproic acid and its salts, the valproates, are drugs in the group of antiepileptic drugs or anticonvulsants. The mechanism of action of valproic acid is not completely understood. The antispasmodic effect is probably explained by an amplification of inhibitory signals in the brain. Valproic acid can be taken orally or administered intravenously. … The active ingredient | Valproic acid