Sweet Wood

Products Licorice is available as cut open or in the form of licorice stems in pharmacies and drugstores. Licorice extract is found in bronchial pastilles, in teas, and various cough medicines, among other products. The extract is also a component of licorice and corresponding confectionery. Stem plant Stem plants include various -species of the legume … Sweet Wood

ACC acute®

ACC akut® is a drug for the treatment of respiratory diseases and for mucolytic (mucolytic) mucus dissolution. ACC is the abbreviation for the active ingredient N-acetylcysteine, which is responsible for the liquefaction of secretion (secretolytic) and the subsequent removal of mucus (secretomotoric). Trade names: Chemical name: ACC Acemuc Acetyst Fluimucil Myxofate NAC L-N-acetylcysteine (R-2-acetylamino-3-sulfanylpropanoic acid) … ACC acute®

Interactions | ACC acute®

Interactions If ACC akut® and cough-relieving medication (antitussives) are taken at the same time, a threatening accumulation of secretions can occur, resulting in breathing difficulties. Taking ACC akut® in combination with some antibiotics (e.g. tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides), nitroglycerine and activated carbon alters their effect. Contraindications ACC akut® should not be taken if the patient … Interactions | ACC acute®

Which anti-aging measure is the right one? | How can the ageing process be stopped?

Which anti-aging measure is the right one? For some anti-aging measures it is important to have a doctor make a diagnosis beforehand. This is especially true in the case of an extreme change in diet in case of overweight (obesity) or hormone therapy in case of bone loss (osteoporosis), in order to be able to … Which anti-aging measure is the right one? | How can the ageing process be stopped?

Alpha lipoic acid

Synonyms in a broader sense Lipoic acid, thioctic acid R-lipoic acid Antioxidant Neuropathy drugs Neurotropic drug Alpha-lipoic acid is a sulphur-containing fatty acid which the human body produces to a small extent itself and which is mostly taken in with food. The substance plays a role as a coenzyme in many metabolic processes and in … Alpha lipoic acid