Symptoms of appendicitis

The symptoms of acute appendicitis initially begin with dull, diffuse and not exactly localizable abdominal pain around the navel (periumbillikal). Within a few hours, the pain shifts to the right lower abdomen and from then on is a constant and quite precisely localizable permanent pain (“point pain”). This pain is often aggravated by coughing and … Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms in children and infants | Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms in children and infants Recognizing the symptoms in children or infants can be very demanding for the treating doctor. Young people behave differently than adults during an illness and the effect on their body varies considerably. The immune system is not yet as developed as that of adults. As a result, it is not … Symptoms in children and infants | Symptoms of appendicitis


Synonyms in a broader sense Appendicitis Appendicitis Appendicitis Appendicitis Pregnancy appendicitis Periappendicitis Introduction Appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the appendix (caecum). The term appendicitis is therefore not medically correct, as it is not the appendix itself that is inflamed, but the appendix vermiformis. It would therefore be correct to speak of … Appendicitis

What is the difference between appendicitis and appendicitis? | Appendicitis

What is the difference between appendicitis and appendicitis? In case of irritation of the appendix, the appendix or appendix can be irritated by various causes. Since the appendix contains many cells of the immune system, infections can quickly develop due to pathogens. If the appendix is irritated, pain can occur mostly in the right lower … What is the difference between appendicitis and appendicitis? | Appendicitis

Back Pain | Appendicitis

Back Pain Appendicitis can cause back pain in some cases. Depending on the location of the appendix, the pain may radiate to the lower part of the right back. In the course of the disease, the pain may also move from the upper abdomen to the lower back. Can one have appendicitis without pain? An … Back Pain | Appendicitis

Appendicitis in pregnancy – What to do? | Appendicitis

Appendicitis in pregnancy – What to do? Caution is advised in the event of abdominal pain during pregnancy. The tricky thing about appendicitis during pregnancy is that the symptoms can easily be confused with pregnancy complaints. In case of abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and fever during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted in any case. … Appendicitis in pregnancy – What to do? | Appendicitis

The surgery for appendicitis | Appendicitis

The surgery for appendicitis An appendicitis does not always have to be treated with surgery. In principle, a waiting, conservative treatment is possible with bed rest, the administration of antibiotics, laboratory chemical controls and a temporary renunciation of food (food leave). This procedure is intended to avoid unnecessary surgical interventions, but there is always the … The surgery for appendicitis | Appendicitis

Variations of the position of the appendix | Appendicitis

Variations of the position of the appendix Position variations of the appendix: Regular Paracecal: To the right of the appendix Retrocal: Behind the appendix, resting on the iliopsoas muscle Paraileal: Turned up towards the ileum In the small basin: very long appendix, reaching into the small basin Caecal depression: The appendix and appendix are located … Variations of the position of the appendix | Appendicitis