Eyelid tumor

Synonyms tumor of the eyelids, eye tumor, cancer, eye cancer Definition Eyelid tumors are tumors of the eyelids. They can be both benign and malignant. Benign tumors include benign tumors Malignant tumors include Warts or also Fat deposits (xanthelasma) Blood sponges (hemangiomas). Basaliomas Melanomas General information The malignant eyelid tumor that occurs most frequently (approx. … Eyelid tumor

Astigmatism in the baby

Introduction The cornea of the eye is normally evenly curved. In the astigmatism of a baby, the cornea is curved differently and the resulting change in refraction causes the images to be distorted into lines on the retina instead of points. Because of this physical difference, astigmatism is also referred to as astigmatism. Often other … Astigmatism in the baby

Therapy of astigmatism in babies | Astigmatism in the baby

Therapy of astigmatism in babies The methods for treating astigmatism are very diverse: they range from glasses with cylindrical lenses to dimensionally stable contact lenses, to laser surgery or corneal transplantation. The choice of therapy always depends on the individual degree of curvature. For babies, the only therapy available for the time being is the … Therapy of astigmatism in babies | Astigmatism in the baby

Autologous serum eye drops

English: autologous eyedrops Synonyms Eye drops from own blood Definition The so-called autologous serum eye drops are eye drops that are obtained from the patient’s own blood. This type of treatment is used for a wide variety of diseases affecting the cornea of the eye. They can be used for dry eyes (sicca syndrome), corneal … Autologous serum eye drops

Long-sightedness in children

Synonyms: HyperopiaIf the eye is smaller than normal (axial hyperopia) or the refractive media (lens, cornea) have a flatter curvature (refractive hyperopia), near vision is blurred. Vision is usually better in the distance. Far-sightedness is therefore in most cases congenital and caused by the abnormal construction of the eye. The growth of the eyeball has … Long-sightedness in children