
Products Products available in pharmacies and drugstores include the medicinal drug, lozenges, and teas (e.g., Cystus 052, Phytopharma Infectblocker). Stem plant Stem plants include several species and varieties from the genus Cistus and the family Cistaceae, which are native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. In many countries, especially the herb of and of … Cistus

Zinc Oil

Products Zinc oil is prepared in pharmacies. In some countries, ready-made products are on sale. Production Zinc oil is a suspension of zinc oxide in olive oil. 100 g of zinc oil is prepared as follows: 50.0 g zinc oxide 50.0 g olive oil The zinc oxide is sieved (300) and added to the olive … Zinc Oil

Zinc Oxide

Products Zinc oxide is contained in zinc ointments, shaking mixtures, in sunscreens, skin care products, hemorrhoid ointments, baby care products, cosmetics and wound healing ointments, among others. Zinc oxide is also combined with other active ingredients in a fixed manner and traditionally numerous magistral formulations have been made with the active ingredient. Its medicinal use … Zinc Oxide

Zinc Sulfate

Products Zinc sulfate is commercially available as a gel for the treatment of cold sores (Lipactin, D: Virudermin). It is also sold as a proprietary preparation in some pharmacies (Zinci sulfatis hydrogel 0.1% FH). Hima Pasta is no longer available in many countries. Structure and properties Zinc sulfate is the zinc salt of sulfuric acid. … Zinc Sulfate

Copper Sulfate

Products Copper sulfate is available as a pure substance in pharmacies and drugstores. It is also found as an active ingredient in medicines, for example in copper zinc solution (Eau d’Alibour). Structure and properties Copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4, Mr = 159.6 g/mol) is a copper salt of sulfuric acid. In pharmacy as often used copper sulfate … Copper Sulfate


Products Copper is commercially available in multivitamin preparations, dietary supplements, and ointments and solutions, among other products. Hormone-free intrauterine devices (known as “coils”) or copper chains are also approved for contraception. These are medical devices and not drugs. Structure and properties Copper (cuprum, Cu, atomic number 29) is a soft and easily workable transition and … Copper

Castellani Solution

Products Castellani solution is not commercially available as a registered finished drug in many countries and must be prepared in a pharmacy as an extemporaneous preparation. Retailers can also order it from specialized suppliers. The drug is named after Aldo Castellani (1877-1971), a well-known Italian tropical physician who developed it in the 1920s. Ingredients Traditional … Castellani Solution


Stem plant Baillon, Polygonaceae, rhubarb. Medicinal drug Rhei radix – Rhubarb root: Rhubarb root consists of the dried, whole or cut parts of L., Baillon, of hybrids of the two species, or of a mixture. The underground parts are often divided. The drug is stripped of the stem and largely of the outer bark with … Rhubarb

Goose Cinquefoil

Stem plant Rosaceae, goose cinquefoil. Medicinal drug Anserinae herba – goose cinquefoil. Preparations Anserinae herbae recentis succus Ingredients Tannins Flavonoids Phenolic carboxylic acids Effects astringent, antispasmodic Indications Diarrhea, crampy gastrointestinal symptoms, menstrual cramps. Skin diseases Inflammation of the mouth and throat Dosage As an infusion, daily dose 4 to 6 g. Contraindications Pregnancy Adverse effects … Goose Cinquefoil


Products Preparations from blueberries are available in pharmacies and drugstores in the form of teas, capsules, and as juice, among others. The medicinal drug is available as an open commodity. Blueberries are a typical ingredient in wild berry jams. Stem plant Bilberry L. is a perennial, low-growing shrub of the heather family (Ericaceae) native to … Blueberries

Plant Galls

Stem plant e.g. oak. Medicinal drug Plant galls are growth abnormalities caused in plants (especially leaves) by insects, e.g., by the oviposition of the gall wasp or by aphids; cf. figure. Gall apple – Galla: The gall produced by the female gall wasp Hartig on leaf buds of (PH 4) – no longer officinal today. … Plant Galls