Hydroxycobalamin: Function & Diseases

Hydroxycobalamin is one of the naturally occurring substances in the vitamin B12 complex. It can be converted into the bioactive adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12) relatively easily by the body’s metabolism through a few steps. Hydroxycobalamin is more suitable than any other compound from the B12 complex for replenishing B12 stores in the body. It performs functions … Hydroxycobalamin: Function & Diseases

Eicosanoids: Function & Diseases

Eicosanoids are hormone-like hydrophobic substances that function as neurotransmitters or immune modulators. They are formed as part of lipid metabolism. Starting materials are omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. What are eicosanoids? The hormone-like eicosanoids play a major role as neurotransmitters or immune modulators. In some cases, they elicit opposite reactions. Basically, they are mediators between … Eicosanoids: Function & Diseases

Short Feedback Mechanism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The term short-feedback mechanism originates from endocrinology. It refers to a regulatory circuit in which a hormone can directly inhibit its own action. What is the short-feedback mechanism? Short-feedback mechanisms are independent, very small control circuits. One example is the short-feedback mechanism of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The short-feedback mechanism is one of the regulatory circuits. … Short Feedback Mechanism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Ambrisentan: Effects, Uses & Risks

The drug ambrisentan is prescribed to patients suffering from pulmonary hypertension. In this rare form of hypertension, there is too much pressure exclusively in the pulmonary artery. The drug blocks the hormones that cause high blood pressure to develop. What is ambrisentan? Infographic on the anatomy and progression in pulmonary hypertension . Click to enlarge. … Ambrisentan: Effects, Uses & Risks

Musculus Cremaster: Structure, Function & Diseases

The cremaster muscle is also known as the cremaster muscle or testicular lifter and surrounds the spermatic cord and testicles. It contracts reflexively in response to external stimuli such as cold, pulling the testicles toward the trunk. In testicular malpositions such as pendulous testis, exaggerated reflex movement causes abnormal testicular positions. What is the cremaster … Musculus Cremaster: Structure, Function & Diseases