Cellular Memory: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The cellular memory hypothesis assumes information storage at the molecular genetic and cellular levels. The best-known example of cellular memory is with the antigen memory of the immune system. Meanwhile, the BMI1 protein of cellular memory is associated with carcinogenesis. What is cellular memory? The cellular memory hypothesis assumes information storage at the molecular genetic … Cellular Memory: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nalbuphine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Nalbuphine is an analgesic agent that belongs to the opioid group. It is used for short periods to relieve moderate to acute pain and is primarily administered as a solution with varying levels of active ingredient. In addition, the substance is also used in anesthesia. What is nalbuphine? Nalbuphine is a medicinal substance belonging to … Nalbuphine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Interest: Function, Task & Diseases

An interest is based on cognitively strong involvement in and emotionally positive evaluation of certain activities, objects, or people. Interests interact with attention and are controlled in the brain, primarily by the frontal brain and limbic system. In apathy, there is no longer any interest in the external world. What is interest? Interest controls a … Interest: Function, Task & Diseases

Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nerve conduction is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses at a specific rate to both directions of conduction. Conduction occurs via action potentials in salvatory excitatory conduction. In diseases such as polyneuropathy, nerve conduction is impaired. What is nerve conduction? Nerve conductance is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses … Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Torsional Vertigo: Causes, Treatment & Help

Rotational vertigo is a type of dizziness understood by medical professionals. It is often felt by sufferers like a ride on a merry-go-round, where a certain direction of the rotational movement can be indicated. Spinning dizziness usually occurs spontaneously and can have various causes. What is spinning vertigo? Spinning dizziness can last from a few … Torsional Vertigo: Causes, Treatment & Help

Selective Perception: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Selective perception is based on the natural mechanism by which the human brain looks for patterns in its environment. Because of its selective nature, people are more likely to perceive what can be fitted into a pattern. Selectivity of perception acquires clinical relevance, for example, in the context of depression. What is selective perception? Selective … Selective Perception: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases