Enoxacin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Enoxacin is a medical agent that is widely used as a synthetic antibiotic. It is used in medications to treat infections caused by enoxacin-susceptible bacteria. These include acute and moderate urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, and skin and respiratory tract infections. What is enoxacin? Enoxacin is a synthetically produced antibiotic. Due to its chemical or pharmacological … Enoxacin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Sore Throat: Causes, Treatment & Help

Sore throat and general difficulty swallowing are a symptom not infrequently encountered in pathological changes in the mouth, throat and pharynx, especially in inflammation and colds. What is a sore throat? Sore throat and scratchy throat usually occur in the context of a cold or angina tonsillaris. However, laryngitis can also be a possibility. Sore … Sore Throat: Causes, Treatment & Help

Osteomyelitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Periosteitis, or periostitis, affects the periosteum covering the bone. The condition, caused by a variety of causes, is completely curable in most cases with proper treatment. What is periosteitis? Osteomyelitis describes an inflammatory change in a person’s periosteum. In specialized medicine, the condition is therefore also referred to as periostitis. In most cases, periostitis is … Osteomyelitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Antibiotics: Correct Intake

The word antibiotics comes from the Greek and means translated “against life”. However, it is not the one who takes them on the collar, but the germs that make life difficult for him. Antibiotics are still a miracle weapon that can save lives. However, they have to be used correctly to do so. How antibiotics … Antibiotics: Correct Intake