Diphtheria Causes and Treatment

Symptoms A few days after transmission of the diphtheria bacteria, the disease begins with sore throat and headache, nausea or vomiting, fever, and difficulty swallowing. Later, the typical symptoms appear: Hoarseness, up to voicelessness Whistling breathing (stridor) Barking cough Swelling of the lymph nodes and swelling of the soft tissues of the neck. Coatings of … Diphtheria Causes and Treatment

Pseudocroup Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Pseudocroup is usually preceded by a viral infection such as a cold or flu with nonspecific symptoms such as cough, runny nose, and fever. This soon develops into the following typical symptoms: Barking cough (similar to a seal), which worsens with anxiety and excitement Whistling breath sounds, especially when inhaling (inspiratory stridor), difficulty breathing. … Pseudocroup Causes and Treatment

Danger of infection with Pseudokrupp

Introduction The pseudocroup is an unspecified inflammation of the larynx in which hoarseness, barking cough up to respiratory distress occurs. The dreaded croup attack is not a disease in itself, but a possible side effect or complication of acute laryngitis (acute subglottic laryngitis). The real croup, diphtheria, is virtually non-existent, especially in western countries, thanks … Danger of infection with Pseudokrupp

Pseudocroup seizure

Introduction The basis of a pseudocrupp attack is first of all laryngitis. The inflammation causes the mucosa to swell, which now narrows the diameter of the glottis and hinders the flow of air. The day before, hoarseness is often heard in children. Typically, a pseudo croup attack occurs at night between 0 and 4 o’clock … Pseudocroup seizure