Treatment measures for ingrown whiskers | Removal of ingrown whiskers

Treatment measures for ingrown whiskers Often no treatment is necessary and the ingrown whiskers are transported back to the skin surface by the body itself.It is important not to squeeze or scratch the affected area with your hands, as this can cause the area to become inflamed and cause furuncles to form on the face. … Treatment measures for ingrown whiskers | Removal of ingrown whiskers

Removal of ingrown whiskers

Introduction Ingrown hairs appear after hair removal by shaving, waxing or epilation. They can occur on different parts of the body, but in men they mainly affect the facial region, as this is usually shaved daily. The ingrown hairs often go unnoticed at first until symptoms appear. Causes for ingrown whiskers An ingrown whisker is … Removal of ingrown whiskers

Body Hair

Introduction The body hair, also called androgenic hair, is the hair on the human body, which must be distinguished from the hair on the head. It is influenced by the release of androgens. While the growth of hair on the head decreases when androgens are released, the growth of body hair is increased when androgens … Body Hair


General information There are three different types of hair in humans: Beard hairs belong to the terminal hairs, i.e. those hairs which are more strongly pigmented, longer and thicker than the rest of the body hair. – Terminal Hair Lanugo hair Vellus hair Structure of terminal hairs All terminal hairs have the same structure and … Whiskers

What happens in puberty?

Introduction Puberty covers a formative period in the development from child to adult. It includes a physical, social and psychological development and maturation phase that lasts three to four years. The cornerstones of puberty are, in addition to gender-specific physical changes, above all the development of sexual interest, as well as separation from the family … What happens in puberty?