Schüssler Salt No. 21: Zincum chloratum


The areas of application of the Schüssler salt Zincum chloratum are extremely diverse. This is due to the fact that zinc plays an important role in the entire body as a building block for enzymes, i.e. proteins involved in chemical reactions. The three major areas that are usually mentioned when using this Schüssler salt are firstly, diseases of the skin and skin appendages such as nails and hair, secondly, problems with the immune system, and thirdly, problems with the metabolism. In addition, zinc is also a trace element, which as such occurs naturally in small quantities in the body and must be taken in with food. To prevent a deficiency of this substance, Zincum chloratum can therefore also be taken in low doses as a dietary supplement.

Zincum chloratum is used for these diseases

There are many non-specific diseases that can be caused by a lack of Zincum chloratum. These include colds or flu-like infections, which can be due to an immune system weakened by zinc deficiency. Even poor wound healing can be improved by the administration of Zincum chloratum.

Skin diseases that are triggered or aggravated by stress, such as herpes, cold sores or acne, can also respond well to Zincum chloratum. In the field of metabolism the Schüssler salt is also frequently used. An administration can not only improve the metabolism, but should also be considered for diabetics, as these persons often excrete more zinc than healthy people.

Our next article could also be interesting for you: Homeopathy for coldsEven with psychological complaints Zincum chloratum is frequently used. Here it is particularly appreciated for its harmonizing and balancing effect. When dosed and taken in the right way, it can be used for the treatment of depressive episodes or disturbances of drive and zest for life on the one hand, but also for the relief of hyperactivity syndromes and restlessness on the other.

Complaints of the nervous system, i.e. neurological symptoms, can also respond to therapy with Zincum chloratum. These can include restless legs syndrome or nerve pain, such as trigeminal neuralgia occurring in the face. It should be noted here that taking an alternative medicine can and should never replace a medication prescribed by a doctor.

However, there is nothing to be said against a supplementary treatment with Zincum chloratum in addition to conventional medical therapy. Furthermore, newly occurring symptoms must always be clarified by a doctor. Would you like to learn more about the therapy of nerve pain?