Home remedy against high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a widespread disease that is often diagnosed late. By definition, high blood pressure or arterial hypertension is defined as high blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. The diagnosis is often made by chance during a routine examination in the family doctor’s practice. Occasionally, symptoms such as dizziness, headaches or nosebleeds may also … Home remedy against high blood pressure

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? Most of the household remedies listed above can be used over a long period of time without any concerns. For the optimal effect of the different teas, they should be drunk twice a day. It should be noted that valerian, for example, can have … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

Which alternative therapy can still help? One of the most effective measures against high blood pressure is exercise. Moderate exercise is recommended. Ideally, this should be done regularly, i.e. several times a week, in the fresh air. Endurance sports in particular have a positive effect on the blood vessels and the heart, which can effectively … Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against high blood pressure