Consequences of an altered antitrypsin level | Alpha-1-antitrypsin

Consequences of an altered antitrypsin level The increase in alpha-1-antitrypsin itself has hardly any negative consequences for the body and is a normal reaction to abnormal processes in the body. The change in value is therefore an indication of possibly pathological processes in the body, which in turn lead to symptoms of illness. In this … Consequences of an altered antitrypsin level | Alpha-1-antitrypsin

Platelet aggregation | Blood platelets (thrombocytes)

Platelet aggregation When a vessel is injured, the platelets come into contact with the connective tissue, which normally has no contact with the blood. A coagulation factor, the so-called von Willebrand factor (vWF), can now attach itself to this tissue from the blood. The thrombocyte has special receptors for this factor (vWR) and binds to … Platelet aggregation | Blood platelets (thrombocytes)

Platelet donation | Blood platelets (thrombocytes)

Platelet donation In case of injuries or operations where large blood losses occur or in case of people who cannot produce enough platelets due to their disease(s), it may be necessary to administer platelets from other people, as they cannot be produced artificially. Nowadays this is done in the form of platelet concentrates. The donation … Platelet donation | Blood platelets (thrombocytes)