Neonatal jaundice

Introduction Neonatal jaundice – also called neonatal icterus or Icterus neonatorum (ancient Greek ikteros = jaundice) – describes the appearance of yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes (“sclerae”) of newborns. This yellow coloration is caused by deposits of the decomposition products of the red blood pigment (hemoglobin). The degradation product responsible for … Neonatal jaundice

Symptoms | Neonatal jaundice

Symptoms Often – depending on the severity of the jaundice – there is only a visible yellowing of the skin and the sclerae of the newborn without any further symptoms. The yellowing itself is not noticeable to the offspring. This is usually the case with physiological, harmless neonatal jaundice. If, however, for various reasons, massive … Symptoms | Neonatal jaundice

ConsequencesLate consequences | Neonatal jaundice

ConsequencesLate consequences A physiological, harmless newborn icterus of light to medium intensity usually heals on its own without any consequences. Therefore, there are no (late) consequences. However, if the bilirubin concentration in the blood exceeds a certain threshold value (Icterus gravis = more than 20 mg/dl), there is a risk that the bilirubin will “cross … ConsequencesLate consequences | Neonatal jaundice

Rhesus – System

Synonyms Rhesus, rhesus factor, blood groups Introduction The rhesus factor is, similar to the AB0 blood group system, a classification of blood groups determined by proteins on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Like all cells, red blood cells contain a large number of protein molecules against which the body’s immune responses can be … Rhesus – System

Epidemiology | Rhesus – System

Epidemiology In Germany and Central Europe, about 83% of the population is rhesus positive, which may lead to shortages of suitable transfusion blood for rhesus negative recipients of blood donations. The situation for rhesus-negative recipients is even more critical in Eastern Europe, where some of them represent only 4% of the population. Clinical significance The … Epidemiology | Rhesus – System

Rhesus incompatibility

Synonyms Blood group incompatibility Introduction Rhesus incompatibility (Rhesus- Incompatibility, Rh- Incompatibility) is an incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood. Typical for the occurrence of an incompatibility reaction is a Rhesus negative mother giving birth to a Rhesus positive child. This incompatibility can lead to hemolysis of the fetal erythrocytes and, in the worst case, to … Rhesus incompatibility

Blood groups

Synonyms Blood, blood group, blood types English: blood group Definition The term “blood groups” describes different compositions of glycolipids or proteins on the surface of the red blood cells (erythrocytes). These surface proteins act as antigens. For this reason, non-compatible foreign blood is recognized as foreign during transfusions and leads to the formation of so-called … Blood groups

Rhesus system | Blood groups

Rhesus system Just like the AB0 system of blood groups, the Rhesus system is one of the most important blood group systems today. These are antibodies against blood components. The name comes from experiments with rhesus monkeys, through which the rhesus factor was discovered in 1937 by Karl Landsteiner. Due to the already existing A … Rhesus system | Blood groups

Duffy system | Blood groups

Duffy system The Duffy factor of the blood groups is an antigen and at the same time a receptor for Plasmodium vivax. This is the causative agent of malaria disease. Persons who do not develop Duffy factor are therefore resistant to malaria. Otherwise the Duffy system has no further important meaning. Summary The determination of … Duffy system | Blood groups


What is a kernicterus? Kernikterus is an increased accumulation of bilirubin in the brain, which can occur in newborns. Various causes and developmental mechanisms play a role here. Icterus refers to jaundice, which can occur in newborns but also in adults due to increased bilirubin levels, especially in the eyes and skin. Bilirubin is a … Kernikterus