Interactions with other drugs | Unat®

Interactions with other drugs Undesirable interactions between Unat® and other active ingredients can occur, for example, with the following drugs: Antihypertensive drugs in combination with Unat® can result in an excessive reduction in blood pressure, drugs for the treatment of asthma can be strengthened in their effect, anti-diabetics lose their effect and the effect of … Interactions with other drugs | Unat®

Aftereffects in children | After-effects of general anesthesia

Aftereffects in children Children experience similar after-effects after anesthesia as adults. However, post-operative nausea with vomiting is rather rare and occurs in only about 10% of children. More often, however, due to the smaller airways, there are injuries in the mouth and throat area and consequently sore throats after anesthesia. Temporary hoarseness due to irritation … Aftereffects in children | After-effects of general anesthesia

Causes of low blood pressure

Introduction Low blood pressure (hypotension) is defined as a blood pressure of less than 105/60 mmHg. The standard value of blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. Low blood pressure can manifest itself in various ways. A too low blood pressure (hypotension) can be accompanied by certain symptoms (e.g. dizziness with circulatory collapse (syncope), visual disturbances, headaches, … Causes of low blood pressure