Tinea Pedis: Athlete’S Foot

In tinea pedis (synonyms: Mycosis pedis; athlete’s foot (tinea pedum); mycosis of the feet; tinea pedis; tinea pedum; ICD-10 B35.3: Tinea pedis) is the fungus of the sole of the foot and/or interdigital spaces between the toes (athlete’s foot), the most common dermatophytosis (infection caused by dermatophytes). In English, athlete’s foot is called athlete’s foot. … Tinea Pedis: Athlete’S Foot

Onychomycosis: Nail Fungus

In onychomycosis (synonyms: Mycosis of the nails; Nail fungus (onychomycosis); Tinea unguium; ICD-10 B35.1: Tinea unguium) is the fungus of the fingernails or toenails (nail fungus) caused by dermatophytes. The toenails are affected about four times more frequently. There is always an additional tinea pedis (athlete’s foot). Onychomycosis is the most common disease of the … Onychomycosis: Nail Fungus

Puberty Striae: Puberty Striae

Puberty striae are skin stretch marks (striae distensae). Stretch marks often form during puberty, largely due to rapid weight gain on the chest, abdomen, buttocks, or thighs. Symptoms – Complaints Puberty stripes are initially bluish-reddish in color, but later fade and remain as whitish-yellowish sunken stripes on the skin.Localization: preferentially the abdomen, hips, gluteal region … Puberty Striae: Puberty Striae

Pityriasis Rosea: Floret Lichen

In pityriasis rosea (synonyms: Gibert’s disease; floret lichen (pityriasis rosea); ICD-10 L42: pityriasis rosea) is a harmless, noncontagious inflammatory skin disease. It manifests itself in the form of scaly, small-shaped and reddened foci. The disease occurs more frequently in spring and autumn. Sex ratio: Women are more frequently affected than men. Frequency peak: The disease … Pityriasis Rosea: Floret Lichen

Striae Gravidarum: Stretch Marks of Pregnancy

Stretch marks (striae gravidarum) are skin stretch marks (striae distensae). Stretch marks often form during gravidity (pregnancy), largely due to rapid weight gain on the breasts and abdomen. Symptoms – Complaints Stretch marks are initially bluish-reddish in color, but later fade and remain as whitish-yellowish sunken streaks on the skin. Localization: preferably abdomen, hips, gluteal … Striae Gravidarum: Stretch Marks of Pregnancy

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic Eczema

In seborrheic eczema (synonyms: Dermatitis seborrhoica capitis; Dermatitis seborrhoica infantum; Eczema, seborrheic; Unna’s disease; Seborrheic dermatitis; ICD-10 L21.-: Seborrheic eczema) is a greasy, scaly inflammation of the skin. It occurs mainly in areas of the skin where there are many sebaceous glands, such as on the hairy head, face and trunk. Different forms can be … Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic Eczema

Ephelides: Freckles

Ephelides (colloquially called freckles; ephelides: Greek ἔφηλις – ephelis, in plural ephelides from Gr. epi – ἐπί “at” and hēlios – ἥλιος; synonyms: summer spots; in Austria also Gugerschecken/Gugaschecken or Guckerschecken, in Switzerland also Märzen- or Laubflecken; ICD-10 L81.2.: ephelides. Incl: Freckles) are more pigmented, small yellowish and brownish spots on the skin. They occur, … Ephelides: Freckles

Verrucae: Warts

Many different forms of viral warts (ICD-10 B07) can be distinguished. Viral warts are mainly caused by human papillomaviruses. The virus belongs to the Papovaviridae family. Warts are benign skin and mucous membrane growths. They include: Verruca vulgaris (vulgar wart; HPV 2, 4). Verruca plantaris (synonyms: Plantar wart, deep plantar wart/foot wart, Myrmecia; HPV 1, … Verrucae: Warts

Nutrition Recommendations

However, despite a rich, wholesome food supply, an adequate individual vital substance supply is not always guaranteed. Insufficient vital substance supply may be due to improper food preparation, for example, or may be caused by an individual vital substance excess requirement. This is not only noticeable through physical condition disturbances such as a decrease in … Nutrition Recommendations

Pleasure Food Recommendation

Avoid “skin-hostile” stimulants such as caffeinated drinks, alcohol and tobacco! Coffee and black tea If possible, avoid coffee and black tea. If you do drink coffee or black tea, please drink no more than two to three cups daily and please do not sweeten. If you drink more than three cups of coffee or black … Pleasure Food Recommendation

Consumption Recommendations

General recommendations Spread your daily nutrition over 3 meals. Chew the food well. Take plenty of time and enjoy your food. Slow eating is also important because the body needs about 15 to 20 minutes to develop the feeling “I am full”. If you eat too quickly, you usually eat more food than your body … Consumption Recommendations

Acne Vulgaris: Acne

In acne vulgaris (synonyms: Acne; Acne vulgaris; Contact acne; Cosmetic acne; Majorca acne; ICD-10 L70.0: Acne vulgaris) is a skin disease that usually occurs during puberty. Increased numbers of comedones (blackheads) form, from which papules, pustules and nodules then develop. The facial and upper trunk areas are particularly affected. Acne is the most common dermatological … Acne Vulgaris: Acne