Nutrition Recommendations

However, despite a rich, wholesome food supply, an adequate individual vital substance supply is not always guaranteed. Insufficient vital substance supply may be due to improper food preparation, for example, or may be caused by an individual vital substance excess requirement. This is not only noticeable through physical condition disturbances such as a decrease in … Nutrition Recommendations

Pleasure Food Recommendation

Avoid “skin-hostile” stimulants such as caffeinated drinks, alcohol and tobacco! Coffee and black tea If possible, avoid coffee and black tea. If you do drink coffee or black tea, please drink no more than two to three cups daily and please do not sweeten. If you drink more than three cups of coffee or black … Pleasure Food Recommendation

Consumption Recommendations

General recommendations Spread your daily nutrition over 3 meals. Chew the food well. Take plenty of time and enjoy your food. Slow eating is also important because the body needs about 15 to 20 minutes to develop the feeling “I am full”. If you eat too quickly, you usually eat more food than your body … Consumption Recommendations