Boric Acid

Products Boric acid is contained in eye drops as an excipient. In Germany, it belongs to the so-called “questionable prescription drugs” and should be used exclusively for healing waters and buffers in eye drops and for homeopathics (from D4). This is justified by a lack of efficacy and the risk of resorptive poisoning. This requirement … Boric Acid

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for the gastrointestinal tract

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients? The complex remedy Gastricumeel® is composed of six homeopathic active ingredients. These include: Effect: Gastricumeel® is a complex remedy that can be used to alleviate digestive disorders. It has a soothing and inhibiting effect on inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract and also helps to reduce heartburn. … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? | Homeopathy for the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? In principle, a gastrointestinal infection can initially only be treated with homeopathy. In many cases harmless viruses are behind the symptoms caused. The diseases are then often self-limiting, which means that after a certain period of time, they subside by themselves. However, if … Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? | Homeopathy for the gastrointestinal tract

Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for the gastrointestinal tract

Which home remedies can help me? Various household remedies can also help with gastrointestinal infections. Many foods contain so-called pectins. These act as adsorbents in the intestine. This means that these substances bind harmful pathogens and other irritating substances. Water can also be bound by the pectins. The whole thing is then excreted including the … Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for the gastrointestinal tract

Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Aphtae are defects on mucous membranes, which mostly occur in the mouth. More rarely, aphthae are also formed in the genital area. The painful vesicles are surrounded by a reddening, as they cause inflammation at the appropriate place. The reason for their occurrence is still unclear. In many cases, however, there is a connection to … Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? active ingredients: WALA® Oral Balm liquid is a mixture of different active ingredients. These include, among others, effect: WALA® Oral Balsam liquid has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can relieve existing pain and regenerate the mucous membrane. It is intended for use in the mouth. Dosage: The Mouth Balm can … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Homeopathy for aphthae

Introduction Homeopathic therapy for aphthae is based on the inflammation of the oral mucosa, which proceeds in phases. Depending on the body’s defense system, the severity of the damage varies. The location of the aphthae or ulcers on the oral mucosa (whether at the edge or tip of the tongue) is not taken into account. … Homeopathy for aphthae


Products Disinfectants are commercially available in the form of sprays, as solutions, gels, soaps and as soaked swabs, among others. A distinction can be made between products intended for use on humans (skin, mucous membranes) and those intended for objects and surfaces. In addition to medical devices, medicinal products are also approved. These include, for … Disinfectant