Why do babies’ eyes water? | Tearing eyes

Why do babies’ eyes water?

As with adults, babies can have watery eyes due to environmental influences, foreign bodies or infections. Special attention should be paid to additional symptoms, such as redness. If the watery eyes are caused by dry air, simple household remedies can help.

If the parents are concerned about an infection of the eye or a foreign body in the eye, a visit to a pediatrician or ophthalmologist is highly recommended. After a thorough inspection of the eye, the doctor can decide on further measures, such as the administration of antibiotic eye drops. Of course, small children or babies can also suffer from allergies to grasses or pollen, which then classically manifest themselves with the symptoms of a watery, swollen and reddened eye.

As with adults, these symptoms are particularly frequent in the spring and summer months. In addition, babies may also experience tears running down their eyes when the eye drainage channel is blocked. Affected children are usually conspicuous by watery eyes, which occur independently of crying. By a small operation with a specialist, the blocked duct can be opened and thus the problem of watery eyes can be successfully counteracted.