Asthma and Sport: Not a Contradiction

Those who are untrained quickly run out of breath in everyday life. This is especially true for asthma sufferers. Athletically active patients have attacks less often and cope better with their disease. Regular sport exercises the lungs, strengthens the respiratory muscles and protects against infections. Endurance sports with a steady load, such as swimming, cycling, … Asthma and Sport: Not a Contradiction

What is an asthma attack?

Definition In bronchial asthma there is a permanent hypersensitivity of the bronchial mucosa. The bronchial mucosa is the innermost layer in the area of the airways. Although bronchial asthma is a chronic disease, the typical symptoms do not usually occur permanently, but typically in attacks. One then speaks of an acute asthma attack. An acute … What is an asthma attack?

How can I prevent an asthma attack? | What is an asthma attack?

How can I prevent an asthma attack? To prevent an asthma attack, the most effective prophylaxis is to stop exposure to the trigger. This may be possible, though not always easy, for some triggers such as dust mites or animal hair in allergic asthma, or certain medications in non-allergic asthma. However, asthma is often triggered … How can I prevent an asthma attack? | What is an asthma attack?

Causes of an asthma attack | What is an asthma attack?

Causes of an asthma attack Numerous triggers can be the cause of an acute asthma attack. A rough distinction is made between two asthma subtypes: allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma. However, many patients suffer from a mixture of both forms of asthma. Typical triggers of allergic asthma are substances that are not actually dangerous, but … Causes of an asthma attack | What is an asthma attack?

Stomach mucosa | Mucosa

Stomach mucosa Nasal mucosa The nasal mucosa consists of the respiratory mucosa (Regio respiratoria) and the olfactory mucosa (Regio olfactoria). The respiratory region is named after its function; it represents the first part of the respiratory tract. It covers the largest part of the nasal cavity. It is found on the nasal septum, the side … Stomach mucosa | Mucosa


Synonym: Mucosa, Tunica mucosa Definition The word “mucous membrane” was translated directly from the Latin “tunica mucosa”. “Tunica” means skin, tissue and “mucosa” comes from “mucus” mucus. The mucosa is a protective layer that lines the inside of hollow organs such as the lungs or stomach. It has a slightly different structure than normal skin … Mucosa