Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Introduction Especially in the winter months many patients suffer from flu-like infections. Over time, these can also affect the lower respiratory tract and trigger bronchitis. Doctors very often prescribe antibiotics, although bronchitis is caused by viruses in up to 90% of cases and therefore does not respond to antibiotics. This is a major problem and … Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis Since antibiotics usually attack not only the disease-causing or pathogenic bacteria, but also useful strains of bacteria in our body, taking them can lead to corresponding side effects. For example, the bacteria of the intestinal flora, which play an important role in the digestive process, or the lactic acid … Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic therapy for bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic therapy for bronchitis Antibiotic therapy that is not effective for viral infections can have unpleasant consequences. Antibiotics also kill the beneficial bacteria in the body. Since the intestine in particular is home to many of these useful bacteria, the intestinal flora is often severely disturbed by antibiotics. Some patients subsequently develop … Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic therapy for bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?