Spiral Dynamics

Spiraldynamics is a movement and therapy concept developed in Switzerland. According to the concept of Spiral Dynamics, the building plan of the human body allows three-dimensional arrangements to be recognized, which consistently run through the entire body. The spiral is the basic static element in the concept, which is used to explain sequences of movement, since its principle can be found in all parts of the body.

Spiral Dynamics believes that these spiral patterns are evolutionary and can be automatically applied to newborns and re-learned by adults. With the help of Spiral Dynamics it is possible to improve movement and posture to prevent wear and tear and injuries. The spiral is taken as a leitmotif for the different movement sequences.

The bolting of the individual joints and functional units of the body to each other under load, allow people stability in their movements. If a malposition occurs in this process, this is the starting point for spiral dynamics. This provides an improved perception of the body, so that active work can be done against the malposition.


Spiral Dynamics therapy is about training one’s own perception of the body through targeted mobilization and strengthening exercises, so that mistakes in movement sequences can be actively counteracted. The basic principle of Spiral Dynamics therapy is that all movement sequences follow a spiral principle. An example is the rolling of the foot during locomotion: The starting point of the movement is the outside of the heel at the back of the foot, then over the metatarsus to the front of the foot inside.

This principle of running through a spiral can be found in all coordination units of the body. Mostly between two starting points (in our example heel and toe) in spiral dynamics also called poles. The examples are manifold: shoulder-elbow, knee-foot, knee-hip or pelvic-shoulder.

Spiral Dynamics can be used to correct and train errors in movement sequences throughout the entire body. The costs for a treatment are between 50-80€ and have to be paid by the patient himself. In the following article vibration training you can inform yourself about similar exercises.