Joint swelling

Introduction In principle, swelling of the joint can occur in any joint and can have various causes. The enlargement of the joint can be painless or painful and is often already visible from the outside. Causes A common cause of joint swelling is trauma in the sense of an injury, typically occurring in sports accidents. … Joint swelling

Therapy | Joint swelling

Therapy Since joint swelling is merely a symptom and not an independent disease, the therapy is based on the underlying cause. If the joint swelling has arisen at the bottom of a trauma, it often helps to spare the joint and, for example, to put the affected knee/ankle up. Sports or pain ointments, which often … Therapy | Joint swelling

Joint swellings in the menopause | Joint swelling

Joint swellings in the menopause One of the most common complaints during the menopause is joint pain. This is caused by the changing concentrations of female sex hormones. During pregnancy, these hormones cause the connective tissue to become looser, whereas during the menopause they are responsible for harder joint membranes. Increased concentrations of certain messenger … Joint swellings in the menopause | Joint swelling

Bursitis (Inflammation of the Bursa)

An inflammation of the bursa – also known as bursitis – usually develops in joints that are subject to particularly heavy strain, such as the shoulders, elbows or knees. While the inflammation is often initially only noticeable by a slight feeling of friction, over time symptoms such as severe pain and redness and overheating of … Bursitis (Inflammation of the Bursa)

Bursitis in the Knee

Bursitis often occurs in joints that are subjected to particularly high levels of stress. These include the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. Learn more about specific symptoms and treatment options for bursitis in each joint below. Bursitis in the shoulder From bursitis in the shoulder suffer especially occupational groups that often work over the head, … Bursitis in the Knee

The bursitis of the Achilles tendon

Definition Bursitis subachillae is the medical term for the inflammation of a bursa below the Achilles tendon (subachillae). The fluid-filled bursa serves to reduce friction and pressure forces on tendons, bones and joints. As a result of constant incorrect strain, inflammation can occur, which can be either acute or chronic. The causes The causes are … The bursitis of the Achilles tendon

Bump on the knee

Definition- What is a bump on the knee? Colloquially, a bulge is a bulge on a body part that is caused by tissue swelling, fluid retention or tissue proliferation. A bump on the knee is harmless in most cases. In most cases, it recedes within a short period of time without requiring special treatment. A … Bump on the knee