When do I have to go to the doctor? | Homeopathy for arthrosis in the finger joints

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Osteoarthritis in the finger joints is certainly a serious disease. It can progress, the symptoms can increase in intensity and other joints can also be affected by the arthrosis. For this reason, a doctor should be consulted if arthrosis in the finger joints is suspected.

This suspicion can be substantiated by the occurrence of severe stress-related pain and nodular changes. In the later course of the disease, the pain also occurs at rest.

Other alternative forms of therapy

  • For acute complaints in the finger joint area, the use of temperature treatments is advisable. If acute symptoms occur, this indicates an acute inflammation of the joint. In this case, cold should be applied, for example in the form of cool packs.

    Ice baths for the fingers can also relieve the acute pain.

  • For chronic complaints, on the other hand, the application of heat can be helpful. This improves the blood supply to the muscles in the fingers and makes them more flexible again.
  • In case of arthrosis of the finger joints it is very important that the hands are moved regularly and above all correctly. Care should be taken, for example, to ensure that the joints are not moved into a position that is not intended for them.

    For example, the end links of the fingers should only be moved in the axis of the finger.

  • Excessive one-sided loads should also be avoided. Heavy objects should be carried with both hands instead of just one. Fingers and hands can be moved well on a regular basis with simple exercises.

Which home remedies can help me?

There are many different home remedies that can help with arthritis in the finger joints.

  • Ginger is very effective due to its anti-inflammatory effect. It leads to a reduction of swelling and also relieves pain at the same time.

    The ginger can be drunk either in the form of tea or rubbed into the affected areas as an oil.

  • Olive oil can also be taken with meals or used for a direct massage. Olive oil contains various ingredients that counteract the joint inflammation and reduce the pain and swelling associated with it.
  • Another possible household remedy is the bitter salt bath. It contains a lot of magnesium, which is very important for the metabolism of the joints and the muscles in the finger area. Therefore it provides relaxation of the overstrained finger muscles. In addition, it mineralizes the joint bones, which also promotes the regeneration of inflamed joints.