Fever and sore throat

What is fever and sore throat? Fever refers to an increased body temperature. The definition of fever is not entirely uniform. Often, fever is already mentioned from 38°C. In the medical field (hospitals, doctor’s surgeries), fever in adults is usually only referred to from a body temperature of 38.5°C. Temperatures between 37.1°C and 38.4°C are … Fever and sore throat

Fever while teething

What is fever when teething? Teething is the process by which a baby gets its first teeth at about six months of age. This process can be accompanied by many different symptoms: These include, for example, the urge to chew, mild to severe pain, increased salivation, but also elevated temperatures of up to 38 degrees … Fever while teething

Phlebitis in the calf

What is phlebitis in the calf? A phlebitis, also known as phlebitis, describes the inflammation of the wall of veins. The superficial vessels of the lower extremity are particularly affected, as they are subject to greater pressure. In addition to the ankles, thigh and knee, the calves are therefore mainly affected by such phlebitis. A … Phlebitis in the calf